The majority of our dogs arrive at Pearson Airport in Toronto. Our fosters are generally available to pick up their own dogs from the airport, but from time to time, we all need a little help!
We have fosters located in Newmarket, KW, London, and other areas, that could use assistance a few times a year. In this role, the volunteer driver would pick up the dog at the airport and drive it to the fosters home location. Do know, we work as a team, so you’d have your DIBS village providing you will all the details and logistics.
High-level details:
- no need to go into the airport, or pay for parking – we are a well oiled machine and do curbside pickups!
- for safety reasons, the dogs stay crated until secured at foster home
- vehicle would need to be large enough to accommodate a crate or two
- we are volunteer based, so generally can’t compensate for gas
- be part of a great team
Transport Volunteer
We need help from drivers that are able to pick up the dogs from Pearson and get them to their foster homes (London, Newmarket, KW). We will align the requirement with the drivers personal logistics, so that someone isn't going too far our of their way!
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